SharePoint/SPFx: Returning to Webpart Development Part #1
Recently I was asked to develop a webpart for a modern SharePoint site. My first thoughts were; where do I start, I haven’t done any webpart development for years? I would like to share my journey…
Connect-PnPOnline: unwanted credential caching
Problems with the Connect-PnPOnline PowerShell CmdLet caching credentials while using the UseWebLogin parameter. See the fix!
Access denied while refreshing all published content types on next update
Working with the Content Type Hub and publish (syndicate) content types to other site collections; have you received an Access Denied message when selecting the “Refresh all published content types on next update”?
Microsoft Teams External Sharing with Anyone
In my last post I described how to turn on External Sharing of Files and Folders within Microsoft Teams, during which you may have noticed the Anyone option was disabled.
Configure Visual Studio Code with VSTS
While in the process of setting up a new environment I thought I would share the steps I took to configure Visual Studio Code (VS-Code) with Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) online.
Hello Angular World (page 7 of 7)
So, we now have an ASP.NET MVC web application which is hosting a simple Hello Angular World App. and in limiting the project size and complexity it should serve as a useful “starter template”. When looking at the project, you will notice two distinct naming conventions, initially I thought this was ugly, however it has…
Hello Angular World (page 6 of 7)
Now we have an Angular 2 app running in our Local IIS (or IIS Express if you decided to skip that section), let’s build a very simple MVC app to host our Angular 2 app.
Hello Angular World (page 5 of 7)
My preference it to develop web applications using my Local IIS server opposed to the IIS Express server that ships with Visual Studio. I have several reasons for this, two of which are…
Hello Angular World (page 4 of 7)
Hello Angular World from a HTML page. Now that the basic configuration is complete let’s create the Hello Angular World app. The table below lists the folders and files that we will add next.