How to Structure a MVC Project (without NuGet)
Last week I wrote about how to configure Jasmine to run within Visual Studio using Chutzpah Test Adaptors. However since then I’ve run into a number of issues for which I will share my thoughts in this post.
The first of these is in regards to implementing Jasmine using NuGet. In the main I’m a big fan of NuGet, however when it comes lesser known frameworks such as Jasmine and Jasmin-JQuery the packages are either not available or most up to date. With that in mind I’ve decided to manage the Jasmin and Jasmin-Jquery manually using the steps described below.
Configuring an App for SharePoint Project
Step 1: Install Chutzpah
Skip this section if you have previously installed the Chutzpah Test Adaptor for the Test Explorer extension, as this action only needs to be carried out once per development environment.
As described in my previous post; install the Chutzpah Test Adaptors by opening Visual Studio 2013 > TOOLS > Extensions and Updates… Within the left panel, click on Online and search for Chutzpah Test and click “Download” for the following extension:
- Chutzpah Test Adaptor for the Test Explorer
- Chutzpah Test Runner Context Menu Extension
Once installed restart Visual Studio.
Step 2: Uninstall Jasmine (NuGet Package)

For existing projects only; removal of either the SharePoint Jasmine Test Runner or Jasmine Test Framework NuGet packages.
Open Visual Studio 2013 > TOOLS > NuGet Package Manager > Manage NuGet Packages for Solution… Within the left panel, click on installed packages and navigate to the package to remove (e.g. SharePoint Jasmine Test Runner) and click Manage.
A modal window will open; deselect the project(s) you would like to remove the package from and click OK.
Note: the NuGet Package may leave files and folders behind, which you will need to clean up manually.
Step 3: Add Jasmine & Jasmine-JQuery
To add Jasmine to a new or existing Visual Studio project, start by downloading the following libraries:
- jasmine - jasmine-jquery
Note: in both cases I chose to download the “master” branch.

- Right click on the ZIP file and “Extract All…“
- Navigate to the “dist” directory and extract the latest ZIP file, in my case this is:
- Open extracted folder and navigate to the “lib\ jasmine-2.0.3” directory.
- From the root of the VS Project, navigate to the “Scripts” folder and add a sub-folder “jasmine“.
- Copy the following files from “lib\ jasmine-2.0.3” to “Scripts\jasmine” folder:
- boot.js
- console.js
- jasmine-html.js
- jasmine.js
- Back to the root of the VS Project, navigate to the “Content” folder and add a sub-folder called “jasmine“.
- Copy the following files from “lib\ jasmine-2.0.3” to “Content\jasmine“:
- Jasmine.css
- Jasmine_favicon.png
The structure of your VS project should now look similar the image on the right.
- From the root of the VS project, navigate to “Scripts\jasmine” and add a sub-folder called “helpers“
- Extract the file
- Copy the jasmine-jquery.js file from the “lib” folder to the “Scripts\jasmine\helpers” folder.
At this point you have the relevant tools write and test Jasmine Specs from within Visual Studio and running the test(s) using the Chutzpah Test Adaptor for the Test Explorer extension. However due to some limitations which I will go into detail later, I would recommend adding Spec Runner page.
Step 4: Added a SpecRunner View
Navigate back the jasmine-standalone-X.X.X folder you will see a file called SpecRunner.html. In this section I will describe how to recreate this file within your MVC project.
- Add a new “MVC5 Controller – Empty” file to your project called “JasmineContoller“
- Within the “Views” folder add a new sub-folder called “Jasmine”
- Add a “MVC 5 View Page (Razor)” called “SpecRunner”
- Open JasmineContoller.cs and
- Optionally add “using Microsoft.SharePoint.Client;” at top of the file.
- Rename “public ActionResult Index()” to be “public ActionResult SpecRunner()“
- Open the SpecRunner.cshtml file and add the following reference in between HEAD tag:
Note: we will add our references to our Specs and Source files below the comments later on.
Step 4 Folder Structure
I’m sure you would agree when it comes to managing files a consistent structure is key. So we are going to add another 3 more folders to our project:
- Fixtures to be added under Scripts/jasmine
this folder will contain any fixture file you have created for your specs. - Specs to be added under Scripts/jasmine
the folder will contain all your specs files. - Src to be added directly under Scripts
this folder will contain all your custom JavaScript file for project.
So now the MVC (App for SharePoint) project should have a structure something like this:
MVC App for SharePoint Project
- Controllers
- JasmineController.cs
- Scripts
- Jasmine
- fixtures
- helloWorld_fxtr.js
- helpers
- jasmine-jquery.js
- specs
- helloWorld_spec.js
- boot.js console.js
- jasmine-html.js
- jasmine.js
- Src
- helloWorld.js
- _jasmine_ref.js_references.js
- …Jquery-X.XX.X.js
- …
- fixtures
- Jasmine
- Controllers
- Views
- Jasmine
- SpecRunner.cshtml
- Jasmine
Getting Ready To Run Tests from Visual Studio
Before we attempt to run any tests you may remember from my previous post that we need to manage the references stored within the _reference.js file.
REMEMBER: to avoid Chutzpah running your tests more than once, you need to remove references to your Spec files from the _reference.js file (every time you add a new JS file).
We also need to add one or more references to the top of each Spec files to tell Visual Studio & Chutzpah which Source Scripts are to be referenced by a spec. For example the helloWorld_spec.js file need the following to reference to be able to run:
/// <reference path="src/helloWorld.js" />
As your Specs reference more and more source scripts and libraries, the spec files run the risk of become chocked up with references. To avoid that adding a reference to a file such as _reference.js file would work except it has one undesirable side effect. When referencing the _reference.js file directly from a Spec files I noticed the following error displayed at least twice:
Error: TypeError: ‘null’ is not an object (evaluating ‘getAuthorityFromUrl(window.location.href).toUpperCase’)
Which in turn cause a number of other false errors…
With that in mind taking a copy of the _reference.js file and renaming it to _jasmine-ref.js file and removing the following:
- /// <autosync enabled=”true” />
this is irrelevant within out custom file. - /// <reference path=”spcontext.js” />
this is causing the multiple errors.
This is what my _jasmine-ref.js file looks like:
/// <reference path="modernizr-2.6.2.js" /> /// <reference path="jquery-1.10.2.js" /> /// <reference path="bootstrap.js" /> /// <reference path="respond.js" /> /// <reference path="jquery.validate.js" /> /// <reference path="jquery.validate.unobtrusive.js" /> /// <reference path="knockout-3.2.0.js" /> /// <reference path="jasmine/boot.js" /> /// <reference path="jasmine/console.js" /> /// <reference path="jasmine/jasmine-html.js" /> /// <reference path="jasmine/jasmine.js" /> /// <reference path="jasmine/helpers/jasmine-jquery.js" /> /// <reference path="src/helloworld.js" />
Next then add the following reference at the top of each of your Spec files:
/// <reference path="../../_jasmine_ref.js" />
Note: This workaround will not remove the error completely, but will reduce it to a single output.
Testing a Hello World Spec
When writing new code you need to get into the habit of writing a Spec first and then Source code to pass the test. So in this sections let write a simple Hello World Spec and Code:
- Add a new JS file to the specs folder called helloWorld_spec.js
(see folder structure above for details) - Open the helloWorld_spec.js and add the following code:
1. /// <reference path="../../_jasmine_ref.js" /> 2. 3. describe("HelloWorld", function () { 4. it("will return true", function () { 5. var result = firstTest(); 6. expect(result).toBe(true); 7. }); 8. });
- Open Test Explorer (TEST > WINDOWS > Test Explorer) and click on Run All and your test should fail. This is because you we have not written any code yet…
- Add a new JS file to the src folder called helloWorld.js
- Open the helloWorld.js and add the following code:
1. "use strict"; 2. 3. var firstTest = function () { 4. return true; 5. }
- Open Test Explorer and click on Run All and your test should now pass.
Congratulations you have just written a Spec and tested it within Visual Studio.
Getting Ready To Run Tests from a Web Browser
Fortunately the workarounds mentioned above are not required when running Jasmine Specs in a Web Browser. So remember back to the step “Added a SpecRunner View”, well we need to first add a reference each to your Spec and Source files, see my HelloWorld example code below:
@{ Layout = null; } <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" ""> <html> <head> <title>Jasmine Spec Runner</title> <meta name="description" content="Dispalays test results based upon from Jasmin specifciations" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" /> <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/png" href="/Content/jasmine/jasmine_favicon.png"> @Styles.Render("~/Content/jasmine/jasmine.css") @Scripts.Render("~/Scripts/jasmine/jasmine.js") @Scripts.Render("~/Scripts/jasmine/jasmine-html.js") @Scripts.Render("~/Scripts/jasmine/boot.js") @Scripts.Render("~/Scripts/jquery-1.10.2.js") @Scripts.Render("~/Scripts/knockout-3.2.0.debug.js") @Scripts.Render("~/Scripts/jasmine/jasmine.js") @Scripts.Render("~/Scripts/jasmine/helpers/jasmine-jquery.js") @Scripts.Render("~/Scripts/jasmine/helpers/jasmine-jquery.js") <!-- include spec files here... --> @Scripts.Render("~/Scripts/jasmine/specs/helloWorld_spec.js") <!-- include source files here... --> @Scripts.Render("~/Scripts/src/helloWorld.js") </head> <body> </body> </html>
Once you have done that you are ready to hit [F5] and deploy your SharePoint App and run the MVC Project from IIS Express.
TIP: If like me you get fed up having to hit [F5] every time you want to test a Specs then update your MVC project to use the Local IIS. Just make sure that you specified https and not http for the Project URL.
So we have covered a lot of ground in this post, from downloading the latest Jasmine library and Jasmine-JQuery helper, to structuring the library files, specs, fixtures, helpers and source files, we also covered Visual Studio references and adding a SpecRunner View for in Browser Testing and finally we wrote a hello world test.
In “Part 3” I plan to cover Fixtures and a major pitfalls when testing Chutzpah in Visual Studio.
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